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  • Classique Fine Dining

    Classique Fine Dining

    Restaurant Classique Fine Dining stands for elegant dining and offers French cuisine with Mediterranean influences. You dine in a stylish ambiance with a refined table setting. The culinary level and the finesse in the presentation are characteristic of this restaurant.

    The regularly changing menus consist of contemporary light dishes. For lunch, a three-course menu is based on selections from the dinner menu.

    Culinary Zoetermeer, Diplomas, Vacation

    Culinary Zoetermeer, Diplomas, Vacation

    This year’s 23rd edition of Culinary Zoetermeer, held annually on the market in Zoetermeer’s Stadshart, was once again a wonderful

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    Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    The annual Veterans Day took place in the city centre of The Hague last Saturday. After speeches were delivered by, among others, Prime Minister

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    Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    Last Friday, June 14, Invitez hosted the Coffee Festival presented by the students who have followed the Coffee Practorate. Under the

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