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  • Invitez, The Hague Hospitality Experience Centre

    Invitez, The Hague Hospitality Experience Centre

    Are you looking for a special restaurant to have lunch or dinner? Are you looking for a meeting room or a comfortable hotel room? You will find it all here - in one place.

    Book your table now
    Invitez, The Hague Hospitality Experience Centre

    Welcome to the warm heart of hospitality
    in The Hague

    There is so much to enjoy and experience in our Centre: three completely different restaurants, a small-scale, atmospheric hotel, our bar The Queen’s Express, and various rooms for your meetings, courses, wine tastings or private dining. All in all, Invitez is a very versatile hospitality and catering location, situated on the Koningin Marialaan 9 in the Bezuidenhout area of The Hague.

    The summer holidays have started, which means Invitez will be closed for a number of weeks. Our students and teachers/staff will be happy to welcome you again from the beginning of September.

    From then on we can be reached by telephone again to reserve a table in one of our restaurants, book a hotel room, plan a meeting, etc. You can reserve a table online as usual via The Fork. Our telephone numbers can be found at the bottom of this page.

    In addition to this website, you can find current information about Invitez and the schools of the ROC Mondriaan Hospitality Campus on our social media and in the latest (English) edition of our Invitez Magazine. This is the way you can stay informed about the many activities in and around Invitez. Scan the QR code below for a complete overview of Invitez’s social media and our hospitality schools.

    Culinary Zoetermeer, Diplomas, Vacation

    10 July 2024

    This year’s 23rd edition of Culinary Zoetermeer, held annually on the market in Zoetermeer’s Stadshart, was once again a wonderful [....]

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    Culinary Zoetermeer, Diplomas, Vacation

    10 July 2024

    This year’s 23rd edition of Culinary Zoetermeer, held annually on the market in Zoetermeer’s Stadshart, was once again a wonderful [....]

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    Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    2 July 2024

    The annual Veterans Day took place in the city centre of The Hague last Saturday. After speeches were delivered by, among others, Prime Minister [....]

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    Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    17 June 2024

    Last Friday, June 14, Invitez hosted the Coffee Festival presented by the students who have followed the Coffee Practorate. Under the [....]

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    Bekijk alle nieuwsberichten

    About Invitez

    Guests play the main role at Invitez. Whether you are dining in the Classique Fine Dining restaurant or attending a symposium in the Victory Boogie Woogie conference room, you can always count on delicious food, a pleasant ambiance and attentive service. The fully-fledged Banqueting & Events Department aims to make every event a success. But that is certainly not the end of Invitez’s story. In addition to Invitez being a catering location, Invitez is also the ideal setting where professionals, students and teachers from the ROC Mondriaan schools of the Hospitality Campus can work together and face the challenge of further developing their knowledge, skills and professional attitude. As a guest, you are part of this learning experience. More importantly, you play the main role. The guests at Invitez also literally get a picture of the future of hospitality. In an open, yet protected, setting, the students can learn – from the very start of their course of study - to act in various roles and in real-life practical situations. In this way, you, as a guest, make an important contribution to the development of their talents.