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  • 14 June: Coffee Festival in INVITEZ

    14 June: Coffee Festival in INVITEZ

    On Friday, June 14, from 9 am – 4 pm, we will be organising a Coffee Festival in our own beautiful Invitez. We are a team of 9 enthusiastic fourth-year students who have followed a “practoraat” on coffee given by Pierre Wind. During the Coffee Festival, you can take an educational and interactive journey along the Wall of History, which starts with the green coffee bean. At the end of the journey, there is a cosy coffee plaza where you can come and drink a delicious cup of coffee. There will be plenty to do and see: in addition to various types of coffee, there will be tasty accompanying snacks, live music and a “Do It Yourself Virgin Cocktail Bar”. Please come by and have a look! Admission is completely free and you are most welcome! See you on June 14 at the 2024 Coffee Festival!