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  • Exam menus – January 2023

    Exam menus – January 2023

    The month of December is here again and we see Invitez the way we like it best: vibrant, in a festively decorated Christmas atmosphere and full of satisfied guests enjoying an attractive Christmas lunch or dinner.

    When the holidays are over, we will have a new surprise in store for you: Starting on January 9, we will be presenting a delicious ‘exam menu’ (lunch/dinner) in our restaurants for two weeks. This is very exciting for our first-year students of IHMS, who will then being taking their serving exam and also extra exciting for them to be able to receive ‘real’ guests. So we need you!

    By the way, there are still a few places available for our Christmas lunches in December.

    Our pop-up Fast lunch restaurant ‘De Gemberpot’ doesn’t participate in the exam menus; it will introduce its brand new lunch menu at that time.

    For the Exam Menu weeks – and the last seats for a Christmas lunch – you can only make reservations by telephone with the students who are working our reservation line, on 088 666 3313 (please note: we are not available during the Christmas Holidays).