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  • Diner Chantant – October 25

    Diner Chantant – October 25

    On Friday, October 25, we are organising a Diner Chantant in our Imagine and Orchard restaurants. During this evening, our guests will be pampered by the students of the Hospitality and Hotel Management course of study, with a delicious three-course menu. The musical accompaniment during this event is in the hands of the students of our very own DAPA Performing Arts course of study.

    Diner Chantant starts at 5.30 p.m. and ends at 9.30 p.m.

    For more information and to make reservations, please contact the Reservations Department during office hours (on Mondays from 10 a.m., other days from 9 a.m.).

    Telephone: +31 (0)88 666 3313.

    Reservations for this Diner Chantant can also be made via

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    Hospitality tour for fourth-year IHMS students

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