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  • Diner Chantant – Valentine’s Day

    Diner Chantant – Valentine’s Day

    On Valentine’s Day, Wednesday February 14, we are organising our Diner Chantant Valentine in our Imagine and Orchard restaurants. During this evening, our guests will be completely pampered by the students of the Hospitality and Hotel course of study.  They will surprise our guests with a delicious three-course menu. The musical accompaniment during this event is in the hands of the students of our very own DAPA performing arts course of study.

    Diner Chantant Valentine starts at 5.30 p.m. and ends at 9.30 p.m.

    For more information and to make reservations, please contact the Reservations Department during office hours (on Mondays from 10 a.m., other days from 9 a.m.).

    Telephone: +31 (0)88 666 3313.

    Reservations for this Diner Chantant can also be made via

    Culinary Zoetermeer, Diplomas, Vacation

    Culinary Zoetermeer, Diplomas, Vacation

    This year’s 23rd edition of Culinary Zoetermeer, held annually on the market in Zoetermeer’s Stadshart, was once again a wonderful

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    Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    The annual Veterans Day took place in the city centre of The Hague last Saturday. After speeches were delivered by, among others, Prime Minister

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    Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    Last Friday, June 14, Invitez hosted the Coffee Festival presented by the students who have followed the Coffee Practorate. Under the

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