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  • Wine Academy Trophies for IHMS

    Wine Academy Trophies for IHMS

    Here’s announcing another great success for the International Hotel and Management School (IHMS) of ROC Mondriaan in the annual competition for the Wine Academy Trophy!! This competition was established to boost wine knowledge of hotel school students. Two students per school may compete for a Wine Certificate (SDEN level 2) and two for a Wine License (SDEN level 3). Representing the IHMS, the following students participated in the competition last Monday, May 27:

    SDEN3: Anne Kamphuis and Luuk Stierum
    SDEN2: Giulia Koerten and Yoran Visée

    Yoran Visée shared first prize and received a very welcome prize: a SDEN3 course.
    Luuk Stierum became the glittering winner of the WA Exchange Trophy 🏆 and may start the Vinology course in September 2025 !!!

    Our proud winners and their teachers are shown in the photos.