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  • Facility Services Students Active During the Prince’s Day Breakfast

    Facility Services Students Active During the Prince’s Day Breakfast

    This year, once again, a number of classes from the Facility Services (School for H&FD) course of study were fully active in the preparations for Prince’s Day (the opening of the new parliamentary year, when the government budget is presented) in the ADO stadium. As in previous years, several rooms were set up as huge dressing rooms where the Defence employees traditionally change for this annual event.

    There were also FD students who were active last Saturday, September 14, during the annual Prince’s Day breakfast, on the Lange Vijverberg in The Hague,  with a stunning view of the court pond and the historic buildings of the Parliament (the Binnenhof), which is currently being renovated. This year, too, the weather gods were kind to us and a beautiful late summer sun was shining on and around the Hofvijver.