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  • Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    Coffee Festival – a ‘fresh roasted’ Invitez party

    Last Friday, June 14, Invitez hosted the Coffee Festival presented by the students who have followed the Coffee Practorate. Under the inspiring leadership of TV chef Pierre Wind and teacher Mike van den Hoogenband, a group of nine highly motivated fourth-year students started this practorate three months ago, as part of the ‘excellence education’ course of study at IHMS. The organization and realization of a publicly accessible (and fortunately very well-attended) ‘Coffee Festival’ was the finishing line of the practorate. And there was so much to see, to taste and to experience: an adventurous walk along a Wall of History, explanations about the origin and various preparation techniques of coffee, a tasting with food pairing, and a lot of happy faces. All in all, we can look back on a very successful final event of the Coffee Practorate.