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  • FD Students Active on Prinsjesdag

    FD Students Active on Prinsjesdag

    Once again this year, a number of classes from the Facility Services (School for H&FD) course of study were fully active in the preparations for Prinsjesdag in the ADO stadium. Here, as every year, several spaces were set up as huge dressing rooms where Defense employees could change their clothes – as is the tradition – during Prinsjesdag. 

    A number of FD students were already active the previous Saturday during the annual ‘Prinsjesdagontbijt’ (breakfast), which fortunately this time could take place outdoors at Lange Vijverberg, with a beautiful view of the court pond and of the historic buildings of the Dutch Parliament (Binnenhof). One of the photos shows the students in the presence of Mayor Jan van Zanen, who also sent a personal thank you afterwards on his own social media channels.