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  • Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    Succesful Veterans Day for FD students

    The annual Veterans Day took place in the city centre of The Hague last Saturday. After speeches were delivered by, among others, Prime Minister Rutte and after the salute of honour was given in the presence of King Willem-Alexander, the ceremonial parade ended with the gathering of all participating veterans on the Malieveld. Not only continuous applause from the audience awaited them, but there was also a hot meal and cooling drinks.

    Dozens of students from our Facilities Services (FD) and all-round Hospitality educational courses were busy helping to serve several thousand meals to the veterans. It was the highlight of a full week of days of setting up, where our students worked in shifts to contribute to the serving of breakfast, lunch and dinner and to help set up the tents, stages, and technical equipment.

    At these kinds of major events, not only is the commitment of our students greatly appreciated, but it also shows – once again – how fun and exciting and versatile it can be to choose a course of study in Facility Services. A huge compliment to both the organisation and to our FD “toppers”,  who made such a great effort in making this day a success.