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  • Vision and Approach – IHMS

    Vision and Approach – IHMS

    The IHMS wants to supports its students as totally as possible on their way to adulthood and in their pursuit of knowledge, skills and the right attitude that they will need to become fully-fledged professionals. Our “recipe” combines two essential ingredients: the inspiring and professional teachers and the offer of authentic, context-rich and safe learning environments.

    The teachers
    As an educational master, the teacher switches between the development phase of the students – each with his/her own initial situation – and the high expectations of the guests in Invitez. Our teachers know exactly how to get the best of the students.

    In the role of coach, the teacher helps the students become aware of the competencies that they still have to strengthen and how they can work on solving issues. As an experienced professional in the hospitality industry, the teacher is also a strong role model and an inspiration for the student.

    The learning environments
    In addition to the theory classrooms and the context-rich practicals at Invitez, the students of our courses of study are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in numerous learning environments: during internships, events, our own Food Truck, skills competitions, the hospitality tour, the practorates, the many diverse projects, the wine programme. Everything is aimed at challenging the students and involving them in the changing environments and the positive incentives that are the results.

    Part of those experiences are encounters with many professionals, including many alumni of the school, and with various types of guests.

    The school and the “inspiration engine”
    Recent developments in neuroscience provide increasingly more insight into the functioning and development of our brains and in the way we learn. In addition to “formal” learning at school, students – and all of us – also learn a great deal in an informal way: during all kinds of interaction with fellow students, alumni, professionals and guests. It is an ongoing process that never ends and is also reciprocal; under favourable circumstances we are continually learning from each other.

    The combination of experiences and influences – formal and informal – at school and during projects, during the internships or during a part-time job in the work field – determines the course of the learning process and the development of the student. Inspiration is a key concept, in addition to a clear structure and a safe learning environment.

    A good “click” with the “positive influencers” from inside and outside the school is just as important as an exciting curriculum, challenging internships and the good facilities at Invitez. This is all the more reason to schedule diverse and changing programmes and to specifically involve role models such as “HORECA” (hospitality) professionals, external experts, alumni and the senior students in the learning process. Inspired students pave the way for inspired fellow students, teachers and guests. It is our daily task to initiate and maintain this effect and to thus make optimal use of the “inspiration engine.”