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  • Dining with the Stars celebrates its 10th season!

    Dining with the Stars celebrates its 10th season!

    Ten years of “Dining with the Stars” at IHMS! What a milestone! Ten years ago the idea arose to give our second-year students a boost halfway through the school year. These “Dining with the Stars” dinners have now become a recurring annual event and are even part of the theory course entitled “Employability Skills.” During these dinners, the second year students can acquire information about their upcoming internships, which will start in August. The students are welcomed for dinner in our restaurants. This year there were more than 70 students welcomed each evening in Imagine and Orchard restaurants.

    During the dinner, former students (alumni) and fourth-year students – our “stars” – sit at each table with the 2nd year students. The alumni have an internship behind them and have experienced a “life after Mondriaan.”  The fourth year students have just returned- in January – from their internships and are now busy finishing up their study at Mondriaan. These evenings are a unique opportunity for second-year students to ask these “stars” all kinds of questions about their internships and everything pertaining to the  internship experience, including housing, earnings, homesickness, etc. In addition, the students can ask alumni questions about further studies as well as opportunities on the job market. The “stars” have a diverse range of experiences and can share them with the current students.

    This year the event was spread over 5 evenings. For you, as a guest, there were fewer options to reserve a table on those evenings.

    We were able to receive 75 “stars” who were able to share their experiences and tales with 325 second-year students. Add the teachers and the kitchen and restaurant brigade to that, that is 450 three-course dinners in these 5 days. Kudos to all involved! The “stars” are a true source of inspiration for our second-year students and we are grateful for their involvement and participation.

    The internships, during which the students go abroad for 5 months, are always very exciting for them. We notice that these “Dining with the Stars” dinners contribute to better preparation and better insight for what the second year students can expect.

    We, the Alumni Team, are proud that we are able to find so many alumni and fourth year students, who are willing to participate and to be “stars” at this event.